"Sustain them in the physical, prepare them for the eternal"
Tailored in love
'Nyando Tailored in Love Training Center' was formed because of the need for orphaned young adults to have a trade. In Kenya, approximately 3.6 million children under the age of 18 are orphaned. 15% of these being double orphaned. Because of the lack of skill, many girls turn to prostitution to provide for themselves and many times their own children. Through the twelve month training program, young people will learn how to sew using a sewing machine, be trained in how to manage money, and learn how to run a business. The second semester of the school they will be sewing for a working store. They will begin to earn a wage and participate in a payment plan where they will earn and save money to purchase their own sewing machine and licensing. They will study in depth Bible courses throughout the duration of the program to prepare their hearts for the eternal. As they are being given this life changing opportunity, they will too learn to serve others as a part of their training by sewing uniforms for the Shadow of His wings Academy. At the time of their graduation they will have the skills necessary to enter the workforce and provide for themselves in the physical.

Nyando Tailored in Love
One Stop Shop

The new one stop shop getting its name painted on the building.

Men pouring concrete into a form for the shop's entrance.

Student cane to look at their new store front in Kenya.

The new one stop shop getting its name painted on the building.